Due to technical malfunction of our detectors we curently wait for new units

to be provided by Egon Wenge from Blitzortung Team.

Unfortunately, we do not know how long this process will take.

Please keep in mind that we only run this project in our free time.

METEODELTA as part of "Blitzortung.org" is a lightning detection network for

locating electromagnetic discharges  in the atmosphere (lightning discharges)

with VLF receivers based on the time of arrival (TOA)

and time of group arrival (TOGA) method.


We are a community of station operators who send their data

to the computing servers, programmers who develop and/or implement algorithms

for locating and visualizing of sferic positions,

and people who assist in any way to keep the system running.

We are curently in pipeline for new Blue System PCB22 edition issued on Nov 14 2023.